Settings Set preferences for find/replace, bof and eof, input file and output file, filter information, format and font. Red Font Shows a dialog in which you can choose the font/style for the red char. Normal Font Shows a dialog in which you can choose the font/style for the normal char. Filter Format Shows a dialog in which you can set the file format: as application or as document, keep or no the extra style/font. About This Filter Shows a dialog in which you can set some informations about this filter. Output File Shows a dialog in which you can set preferences for the output files type, creator and name. Input File Shows a dialog in which you can set preferences for specifing the input text files by type, creator and name. BOF & EOF Shows a dialog in which you can add strings at the begin and end of files. Find/Replace Option Pages List Description, macro, main filter and sub-filters pages. Switch page by clicking. Add, remove and change sub-filter via Edit menu. Closes the preferences window and saves the modification. Closes the preferences window without saving the modification. Uses the default preferences for the items presenting in the current pane.